11:31 – Scaling from 0 to 150 million in revenue within 6 years
23:23 – Why not just enjoy a billionaire fortune?
35:08 – Closing an intercontinental gap
43:50 – Ariel’s most surreally successful moment
52:34 – Being the “anti-venture capitalist”
About Ariel Lüdi
Ariel Lüdi is a parachute stuntman turned millionaire. After dropping out of his physics degree at ETH Zurich, Ariel joined IBM as a developer. From there he joined Oracle, where he discovered his passion and talent for sales. After 8 very successful years as SVP of Sales at Broad Vision and Salesforce, he joined Hybris as CEO. He invested all his previous earnings into the company and even went into debt. In 2013, he sold Hybris to SAP for $1.5B.