Peter Schnürer, CEO daura, Swisspreneur Podcast

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EP #236 - Peter Schnürer: Connecting Companies With Shareholders

Peter Schnürer

April 28, 2022

Co-produced by

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1:41 - The internet in the 90s

9:53 - Companies should digitize their shares

19:44 - Why you should use the blockchain

23:24 - Educating the market on the blockchain

35:25 - Deploying 1 feature per week

About Peter Schnürer:

Peter Schnürer is the CEO at daura, a digital equity platform which helps companies keep a digital share registry. Peter has a background in Business Administration and has worked for several banks and IT companies.

60% of Swiss companies aren’t sure their share register is correct — with daura, not only can you avoid this issue, but you can in fact manage the whole company lifecycle, from founding, to fundraising (which necessitates printing shares to sell them to people), to shareholder assemblies (which are significantly facilitated by having shares printed as tokens) to an exit scenario (where shares will of course be sold).

Listeners should note, however, that daura is not like a stock exchange: a stock exchange is a secondary market, where shares that have already been printed may be traded; daura, on the other hand, focuses on printing the shares and distributing them to shareholders, who may then decide to sell these in a secondary market or transfer them to another person.

daura’s business model consists of charging issuing companies a yearly fee for their share register, an additional fee for running a capital increase, and an additional fee for doing a general assembly.

Memorable Quotes:

"The blockchain empowers people to be responsible for their own assets and not rely on 3rd parties."

Resources Mentioned:

Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari

Principles For Dealing With A Changing World Order, by Ray Dalio

From The Earth To The Moon, Jules Verne

Astronomical Telescope

If you would like to listen to more blockchain-related episodes, check out our conversation with Julian Liniger.

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