Reto Naef, founder TOPADUR, Swisspreneur Podcast

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EP #364 - Reto Naef: Disruptive Therapies for Aging Diseases

Reto Naef

December 18, 2023

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13:03 - The birth of TOPADUR

18:07 - Leaving the cushy life for entrepreneurship 

23:26 - TOPADUR’s drug development 

30:36 - Financing pharma

38:08 - Sparks IPO Academy

About Reto Naef:

⁠Reto Naef⁠ is the founder and former CEO of ⁠TOPADUR PHARMA AG⁠, a biopharmaceutical company developing disruptive therapies for aging diseases. He holds a PhD in Chemistry from ETH and an MBA from UZH and previously worked for pharma companies like Sandoz and Novartis before starting TOPADUR in 2015. 

TOPADUR develops dual-acting drugs that target the cGMP-Enzyme Regulation System to stimulate microcirculation, enable tissue regeneration, and avoid local oxygen deficiency. Based on this key invention, they’ve built a portfolio of drug candidates to treat aging-related diseases like chronic wounds, skin fibrosis, age-related macular degeneration, colorectal cancer, hair loss and skin aging.

TOPADUR recently participated in the Sparks IPO Academy as part of their journey towards going public. They estimate that an IPO will be possible around early 2025, provided that they successfully bring all the drugs in their portfolio to market. Reto decided to step down from his operative role in 2023.

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