Marco Rodzynek, founder NOAH, Swisspreneur Podcast

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EP #358 - Marco Rodzynek: The Conference for Digital, Sustainable, Profitable Startups

Marco Rodzynek

November 27, 2023

Co-produced by

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2:40 - 90 M&A deals and the 2008 crash

6:41 - NOAH coming to Switzerland

12:43 - NOAH speakers’ valuation increased 24x

19:34 - Profitability of cleantech

29:04 - Rapid fire questions

About Marco Rodzynek:

⁠Marco Rodzynek⁠ is the founder and CEO at ⁠NOAH Conference⁠, an annual event with an unique line up of digital champions and sustainability market leaders. Marco previously worked at Lehman Brothers, where he was involved in 90+ M&A deals, before starting NOAH Conference and ⁠NOAH Advisors⁠ in 2009. NOAH Advisors is a European leading corporate finance boutique focused on digital growth and sustainability companies.

The next NOAH Conference is scheduled for the 13-14th of December 2023 in Zurich, hosting 350 digital growth and sustainable companies to meet with over 500 unique investment funds.

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