Melanie Gabriel, co-founder Yokoy, Swisspreneur Podcast

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EP #75 - Melanie Gabriel: From Startup Employee To Startup Founder

Melanie Gabriel (Yokoy)

May 28, 2020

Co-produced by

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2:37 – Why Melanie decided to start her own company
9:08 – Big founding teams
17:41 – Closing a big financing round just before covid-19
26:34 – How to hire the right people
30:46 – Ensuring good communication in a growing team

About Melanie Gabriel and Yokoy

Melanie Gabriel is co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Yokoy, a SaaS company which leverages Artificial Intelligence to fully automate all expense- and company credit card processes. Before starting Yokoy, Melanie joined Dizmo as Marketing Manager and worked her way up to Head of Marketing. She is a board member of WE SHAPE TECH and holds a degree in Business Management from the University of St. Gallen (HSG).

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