Pascal Mathis, co-founder GetYourGuide, Swisspreneur Podcast

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EP #34 - Pascal Mathis: Q&A On Early Stage Fundraising

Pascal Mathis

August 29, 2019

Co-produced by

Co-produced by


1:53 – What are some questions every founder should ask themselves before fundraising?
4:13 – How do you determine what is smart money for your business?
5:08 – When is the ideal time to find investors (not FFF)?
6:08 – After how much revenue did you start to look for investors?
9:17 – How can I estimate how much my startup is worth before starting the first financing round?
11:21 – What if you get a down round?
11:54 – How can you get your foot in the door with a potential investor?
15:38 – Where do I meet great investors in Switzerland if I don’t have a network yet?
16:28 – How do I best present my business idea/plan?
21:52 – Do you need a lawyer to create a term sheet?
23:28 – What are the key terms on a term sheet?
26:21 – What is the best practice of vesting schedules?
28:15 – How do you deal with uncertainty?
29:27 – How should you report to investors and work with them?

About Pascal Mathis and GetYourGuide

Pascal Mathis is Co-Founder and former COO of GetYourGuide. After he left the company in 2013, he joined Google as an Industry Manager. Subsequently, he dedicated his career to startup coaching and early stage investments as a co-founder and partner at Wingman. Pascal is also an accredited coach for InnoSuise and sits on the advisory board of the Swiss ICT Investor Club. He holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ).

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